Top 7 health benefits of oranges you should know

Orange juice is loved all over the world. In fact, research shows that it is the most popular fruit juice in the world. Producers produce about 1.6 billion tons of this drink every year. In addition to buying orange juice in various forms at the grocery store, you can also squeeze your own orange juice by hand or with an electric juicer. A popular type of orange juice available in stores is frozen orange juice. To drink this type of orange juice, you need to mix cold water and concentrate. This process became widespread during World War II when the United States Dairy Association (USDA) teamed up with food scientist Richard Stetson Mores to develop a process for concentrating frozen orange juice.
Orange juice contains many beneficial nutrients, including vitamin C, but you need to consider the amount of sugar in each serving. You can limit your intake or choose 100% fruit juices with no added sugar.

Benefits of oranges
Regardless of how you eat oranges, they provide many benefits. Oranges can fill you up, help you meet your daily water needs, or add vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy.

1.  Helps with hydration

 One orange provides about 121 grams, or four ounces, of water. Your water needs vary based on age, activity level and health. In general, women need about 92 ounces of water per day, while men need 124 ounces.
Typically, people get about 20% of their water intake from food. Water-rich foods like oranges help meet our daily needs. Drinking enough water has many health benefits, such as:

  • Prevents dehydration
  •  Maintains body temperature
  •  Allows you to digest the food you eat
  •  Removes waste

2. Improve digestion
Orange peels contain about 3 grams of fiber. The Food and Drug Administration recommends eating 28 grams of fiber per day.
Although most Americans don’t get enough fiber, it has many health benefits. Fiber supports many functions, such as:

  •  Helps with digestion
  • Helps control blood sugar and insulin
  •  Satisfy your hunger for a long time
  • Keep your stomach moving regularly

Gradually increase your fiber intake. Too much fiber can cause gastrointestinal (GI) irritation, such as constipation.


3. Reduce belly fat

The fiber content of oranges helps reduce cholesterol and belly fat, or visceral fat.
A study published in 2022 followed the eating patterns of nearly 1,500 people with metabolic syndrome who were overweight or obese. Metabolic syndrome is a medical condition that increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Researchers found that after 12 months, people who increased their fiber intake reduced their body weight and visceral fat.
Having too much visceral fat increases inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and some cancers.
Orange contains flavonoids, which have an antioxidant effect. A study published in 2017 found that excessive consumption of flavonoids helps reduce body fat.

4. Support the immune system
Orange peels contain almost 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C for men and even more for women.121 Vitamin C supports the immune system. The body also uses vitamin C to make collagen and uses fat to make fuel during exercise and during rest.
A study published in 2021 found that citrus juice, especially orange juice, supports the immune system. Researchers have found that citrus juice reduces inflammation, which causes many chronic diseases.

5. Helps in iron absorption
The vitamin C content in oranges helps the body absorb iron. Iron allows the body to use oxygen more efficiently and a lack of iron can cause fatigue. Adequate iron intake is especially important for pre-menopausal women who lose iron during their periods.
Iron is important for people who follow a plant-based diet. The body absorbs iron more easily from plant foods than from animal sources. 

6. Protect against chronic diseases
Orange contains flavonoids, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. Studies have shown that antioxidants help protect cells from damage. Oxidative stress can lead to inflammation linked to diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.
A study published in 2018 of more than 82,000 women found that a high flavonoid intake reduced the risk of depression, especially in older women. 


7. Reducing the risk of cancer

Orange peels contain some of the highest flavonoids and vitamin C than any citrus fruit. A study published in 2020 found that the flavonoids in citrus peels help prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells. For example, flavonoids help regulate apoptosis or programmed cell death. Apoptosis is the body’s process of killing abnormal cells.

Nutrition of oranges

 Orange juice has the following nutritional profile: 

  •  Calorie content: 72.8
  •  Fat: 0.21g
  •  Sodium: 12.6 mg
  •  Carbohydrates: 16.5 g
  •  Fiber: 2.8g
  •  Protein: 1.27 g

 In addition to vitamin C and fiber, oranges contain potassium and folate, two essential nutrients. Potassium supports heart, muscle and bone health. Folate is a B vitamin that helps make red blood cells and DNA.
Oranges provide a small amount of calcium and magnesium. Calcium strengthens bones and teeth, helps your muscles and blood vessels contract, and helps secrete hormones and proteins and build strong bones. 
Even orange seed provide valuable benefits. A study published in 2021 examined aspects of Valencia and blood oranges. Researchers found that oranges contain mostly unsaturated and essential fatty acids. Researchers have found that Valencia and blood oranges contain calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and macronutrients such as protein and carbohydrates.

The dangers of eating oranges

 Consuming oranges or their juice can be dangerous as: 

  •  Worsening symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Heartburn due to their acidity
  •  Causes indigestion
  •  Interactions with some prescription drugs
  •  Leads to weight gain if you drink too much over time

Tips for consuming oranges
There are many ways to enjoy oranges. You can enjoy them whole, in sections, grated or pressed. 

Eat them whole

Whole oranges are more filling and provide more fiber than orange zest or juice. Add them to daily oats, garden salads, fries, cold corn dishes, delicious lettuce wraps and coleslaw.

Combine orange slices with nuts or seeds, cheese or yogurt, or olives with herbs. Mix it up by experimenting with different varieties, including green, red, and tangerine. 

Zest orange peels

Choose organic oranges if you decide to eat the peel. Organic oranges reduce your risk of pesticide poisoning. Use a grater to grate the skin on top. You may want to avoid the bitter white pith.

Add orange juice and homemade salad dressing. Orange zest also makes a great addition to oatmeal, fruit salad, or avocado toast. You can sprinkle it on cooked vegetables, quinoa, stir-fries and desserts.

Add orange juice 

Orange juice is part of your daily fruit intake. You can drink freshly squeezed orange juice or cook with it.
Try adding pure orange juice to a sauce, marinade or soup. Consider making cocktails or mocktails with orange juice, or freeze it in an ice cube tray and add it to mint or ginger water.

Iron is important for people who follow a plant-based diet. The body absorbs iron more easily from plant foods than from animal sources. 

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