Top 5 foods to avoid when you have anxiety

Top 5 foods to avoid when you have anxiety

Between full-time work, busy school semesters, financial stress, and trying to make dinner, it’s easy to feel stressed all the time and avoid doing anything to get it back under control.
While there are many things you can do to try to manage stress regularly, you may not realize that the food you eat (or don’t eat enough of) can play a huge role in your health. your mind. There are many nutritious foods (and drinks) that help regulate mood and reduce stress and anxiety, especially those rich in probiotics (you will be surprised to see how mental health is linked to bowel health). But certain foods can also make stress, anxiety, and depression worse, and our ability to handle upcoming challenges and feelings is heavier. These options are often tasty and healthy, but they are high in calories and low in nutrients, inflammatory to our system and disrupting gut health, metabolic health and much more.
To get a better idea of ​​what not to eat (at least, not more) when trying to get better. These some of the worst foods for anxiety and mood.

 1. Fast food and junk food

1. Fast food and junk food

A 2019 study found that poor diet is associated with poor mental health, regardless of factors such as gender, age, education, marital status and income level. The study showed that fried foods, foods high in added sugar, and refined grains (deprived of their natural fiber) is associated with an increase in depression. Another study, published in 2013, found that people who eat fast food are more likely to be depressed.


2. Foods high in sugar

2. Foods high in sugar

Despite its sweet taste, sugar can play a surprisingly negative role in your mood and mental health. A 2019 study examining depression during the winter months found that sugar consumption worsened depression symptoms by increasing inflammation in the brain. This finding is correlating with several other studies  linking high sugar, inflammation and mood disorders.

3. Low fiber foods

Low fiber foods

A diet low in fiber—lacking plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seed—is associated with poor  gut health. In turn, gut health is associated with and mental health issues. Many studies show that improving gut health (through diet) can help improve gut health and have a positive effect on anxiety and depression.


 4. Alcohol


A 2013 study found that heavy drinkers showed reprogramming of brain activity that made them more likely to experience anxiety. Other research conducted in teenagers found that heavy drinking  increased  future occurrence of depression and anxiety.
Have you ever heard the term “hangxiety”? That’s because drinking seems to cause a little anxiety in most people (and a lot of anxiety in others). Alcohol harms our system in different ways. Basically, it’s very dry, which can affect your mood completely and destroy your metabolism (which can affect your mood as your body tries to get back to normal). According to the American Addiction Centers, alcohol can cause anxiety because of its effects on GABA, a chemical that normally has a relaxing effect. A small amount of alcohol can stimulate GABA and make the body feel relaxed, but excessive alcohol consumption can cause GABA to slow down. ,causing confusion and a sense of panic.

5. High (saturated) fat foods   

High (saturated) fat foods

It is important to note that most research linking high-fat diets to depression and anxiety has been done in rats. That said, there is a lot of evidence that foods with unhealthy saturated fats, such as beef and pork, lard, heavy cream, butter, and cheese, should be eaten in moderation. to make the fat less ‘stressful’.

 Additionally, many high-fat foods fall into the other categories listed above: low in fiber, high in added sugar and/or sodium, and ultra-processed. A 2015 animal study found that changes in body weight and blood sugar caused by a high-fat diet cause changes in the brain that increase symptoms of anxiety and depression. – Fatty food can give birth to children who have caused depression and anxiety.  

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