Sometimes a simple mistake in the kitchen can lead to more
serious consequences – in the bathroom. Food safety isn’t just about making
sure your food isn’t out for a few weeks or filling your fruit with pesticides.
Sometimes, it only takes 15 to 20 cells in undercooked food to cause food
poisoning – which can lead to paralysis and even death.
However, once these foods are properly cooked, the germs are
killed and no longer a threat. To check that the meat is cooked properly, you
should always use a meat thermometer instead of judging by the color of the
meat. When you try to watch it, you may end up serving meat that hasn’t reached
internal temperature. For example, chicken must reach an internal temperature
of 165 degrees Fahrenheit and fish must be at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit
before it is considered cooked and safe for consumption, according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Problem #1: Meat, chicken, turkey, seafood, or eggs are not
cooked properly
Why it’s a mistake: Undercooked food can carry germs that
can make you sick.
Solution: Use a food thermometer to make sure food is cooked
to internal temperature.
Get a complete list of foods that are unhealthy at high
temperatures. Also, if you’re not serving hot foods right away, keep them warm
(140°C or warmer) until you’re ready to serve.
Problem #2: Eating flour or soft flour, including cookie
dough, and other foods that contain uncooked eggs or uncooked flour.
Why it’s wrong: flour and uncooked eggs may contain E. coli,
Salmonella or other harmful bacteria.
Solution: Make or mix flour and eggs well. Avoid foods that
contain undercooked or undercooked eggs, such as scrambled eggs, homemade
mayonnaise, Hollandaise sauce, and eggnog. Do not eat flour (uncooked) or flour
containing flour or eggs. Keep dough out of the reach of children, including
baking powder. Wash your hands, work area and utensils thoroughly when mixing
with flour, cloth and baking powder.
Problem #3: Clearing or picking up food on
the table
Why it’s a problem: Harmful germs can multiply quickly at
room temperature.
Solution: Safely clean food. You can wash it:
• In the refrigerator,
• In cold water, or
• In the microwave.
Always refrigerate, regardless of the type of marinade you
Problem #4: Leave food out too long before refrigerating
Why it’s a problem: Harmful germs can grow on perishable
foods (including meat, chicken, turkey, seafood, eggs, fruit, cooked rice, and
leftovers) if you leave them in the refrigerator for 2 hours or more.
Solution: Refrigerate perishable foods within 2 hours or
within 1 hour if the food has been exposed to temperatures above 90ºF (such as
a hot car).
Divide meat and large portions of food, such as stews or chili
casseroles, into smaller containers to cool quickly. You can put warm or hot
food in the refrigerator, as long as they are filled in small quantities that
will cool down quickly.
Problem #5: Cut fruits and vegetables without washing
them first
Explanation: – Fruits and vegetables may contain germs on
their peels or skins. It is easy to transfer these viruses to fruits and
vegetables when you cut or cut them.
Solution: wash all fruits and vegetables
under running water even if you have to clean them.
Use a clean brush to clean
hard fruits and vegetables like melons, avocados and cucumbers. It is not
recommended to wash fruits and vegetables with soap, detergent or commercial
washing products. Do not use bleach solutions or other harmful products on
fruits and vegetables.
Problem#6: Not washing your hands
Why it’s a mistake: Germs on your hands can get into food
and make it dangerous.
Solution: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water,
for at least 20 seconds. wash hands before, during and after food preparation;
before eating; and when you go to the bathroom or change the children’s bed.
Problem#7: Eating dangerous foods if you can get food
Why it’s bad: Anyone can get food poisoning. But some people
can get sick and get worse. This includes:
• Adults aged 65 and over
• Children under 5 years of age
• People who have medical conditions or are taking
medications that reduce the body’s ability to fight infection and disease (a
weakened immune system)
• Pregnant women
Solutions: People who may develop food poisoning should not
Raw or processed
animal products (such as meat, chicken, turkey, eggs, or seafood)
Raw or partially
cooked shoots
Unpasteurized (raw)
milk and juice
Soft cheese (like
queso fresco), unless labeled as made from pasteurized milk
Problem#8: Putting cooked meat back on a plate with fresh
Why it’s wrong: Germs from raw meat can spread to cooked
Solution: always use different plates
Problem#9: Taste or hear the food to see if it’s still good
Why it’s bad: You can’t taste, smell, or see the bacteria
that cause food poisoning. Eating just a small amount of money can make you
Solution: Check the shelf life chart to see how long you can safely store
food. When it’s time, throw it away.
Problem #10: Overcooking meat, chicken or
Why it’s a mistake: Washing fresh meat, chicken, turkey, or
eggs can spread germs to your sink, countertop, and other kitchen surfaces.
These diseases can get into other foods, such as salads or fruits, and make you