The 3 best ways to know if the bottle of wine you opened has gone bad

The 3 best ways to know if the bottle of wine you opened has gone bad

Wine is delicious and can be a heart-healthy drink that can prevent the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Whether you’re drinking wine with dinner or keeping it on hand for fun, you’re probably wondering if it can go wrong. You may think that wine is meant to age for years, but once you take out a bottle of wine, certain things can destroy it. 

An open bottle of wine that has been properly sealed (either a cap or cork removed from the bottle, or a reusable cap) and placed in the refrigerator or left on top cooking hall may have undergoes oxidation or fermentation processes, leaving your wine tasting, looking and smelling less than drinking.

These helpful tips and tricks can help you decide if your wine bottle is ready to be poured into a glass or if it should be thrown into the water. 

 All wines are different and the shelf life of an opened wine bottle varies depending on its composition, quality and taste. However, as a general rule, an opened bottle of wine, which is well sealed and refrigerated, will last a week after its initial start. This advice applies to both white and red wines, as chilling slows down the oxidation process. (Pro tip: If you want to serve chilled red wine, let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before drinking.)
Take a look

All wines are different and the shelf life of an opened wine bottle varies depending on its composition, quality and taste. However, as a general rule, an opened bottle of wine, which is well sealed and refrigerated, will last a week after its initial start. This advice applies to both white and red wines, as chilling slows down the oxidation process. (Pro tip: If you want to serve chilled red wine, let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before drinking.)   Take a look

If you’ve just taken your open bottle out of the fridge and are wondering if you can still drink it, check before you pour it into glass. The first thing to look for is a film on the inside of the bottle (sometimes the residue sticks to the glass) or a cloud in the liquid that was not there before. If the wine bottle is a dark glass, pour the wine into a clear wine glass. In this way, you will see if there is any change in the appearance of the wine. Some wines are slightly cloudy, so be sure to ask yourself if it’s different from what you had when you first opened the bottle. It is likely that the wine has developed a bacterial activity and is not safe to drink.
If your wine has changed color, it may have been exposed to too much oxygen or light, and it will taste worse with age. Red wines can lose their bright and rich color when they spoil. Keep an eye out for wine that is brown or darker than when first opened.

 Another red flag is if your wine has developed small bubbles. Unless it’s a sparkling wine bottle, that’s not a good sign. These small things indicate that the bottle of wine can be more concentrated since it has been opened, which is not what you want to drink a whole glass because the taste will be bad.
Take a Sniff

Take a Sniff

If you look for signs of damage and wine does not give you a clear answer, take a sniff. Wine experts say that a bad wine will have one of three different smells.
Sometimes open wine can harbor bacteria that spoil it. If so, it usually starts sour, tangy smells like vinegar or sauerkraut. Does it smell like apples, boiled sugar or fruit? This is a sign that your wine has been left open for too long and has lost its flavor due to prolonged contact with oxygen, known as oxidation.
If you open a new bottle and smell garlic or cabbage, it may be a sign that your wine has been contaminated during production.

 Although it is unusual, opening a new bottle is good practice.
Take a Taste

Although it is unusual, opening a new bottle is good practice.   Take a Taste


If you don’t notice a smell or texture that seems unusual to you, take a sip of the wine to see if it has gone bad. If the wine has been oxidized, it is likely that it will taste better and sweeter. Or if the fermentation process begins when your wine bottle is left in the refrigerator or on the counter, it may taste sweet or bitter. Therefore, if your wine does not taste as good as you think it should, it is better not to have a full glass.
Can you drink spoiled wine?

 Bad wine cannot harm you if you drink it. Unlike perishable foods, wine may not harm you if it is oxidized or undergoes secondary fermentation. However, “bad” wine is not the best way to drink, so, in the end, it’s fun.

How can you keep wine fresh?

Keeping wine fresh is very easy, it comes down to recycling the bottle after opening it, or using the cork or stopper that comes with it, or using a reusable cork. Keep all bottles in the refrigerator, whether it is white, sparkling or red wine, and they should be good for a week.  

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