The 21 best foods for a hangover (and 4 to avoid).


Anyone who has ever had too many drinks can identify to the feeling of being hungover. Hangovers are caused by excessive alcohol consumption, which dehydrates the body. You may experience fatigue, weakness, aches, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. (Not to mention the possibility of being embarrassed for the decisions you may have made while inebriated.)

Of course, prevention would have been a better option. Drinking water in between your preferred adult beverage might also have been beneficial. Alternatively, you may have reduced your consumption.

Unfortunately, those preemptive actions are too late now.

If you want to save the day, what can you eat to recover from a hangover?

Fruit and veggies.

Many fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and natural sugars. These healthy foods may help alleviate hangover symptoms.

1. Banana.

Alcohol inhibits the synthesis of a hormone that helps your body retain water, resulting in dehydration and loss of electrolytes such as potassium and sodium.

Bananas are particularly high in potassium, which can help replace your body’s levels. One medium banana provides 9% of the daily value (DV) for potassium.

2. Watermelon

A hangover headache is mainly caused by dehydration and decreased blood supply to the brain, thus eating watermelon may assist.

Watermelon contains L-citrulline, a vitamin that may improve blood flow.

Furthermore, the high water content can assist you rehydrate.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries are high in nutrients that combat inflammation in the body, which can help with hangovers.

A previous study of 20 males discovered that alcohol use elevated blood levels of numerous inflammatory chemicals.

Thus, eating blueberries after drinking excessively may aid in the battle against inflammation.

4. Oranges

Oranges are high in vitamin C, which may help prevent your body from depleting glutathione.

Glutathione is an antioxidant that aids in the removal of alcohol from the body and decreases with alcohol consumption.

Oranges may provide you the vitamin Potassium: 20%.

While magnesium and potassium are required to replenish what is lost during alcohol use, vitamin A may help reduce the inflammation linked to hangovers.

5. Pickles

Pickles are rich in sodium, which is an electrolyte that is lost by heavy drinking. Consuming pickles or sipping their brine could help you overcome a hangover by raising your salt levels.

About 12% of the DV for sodium is present in one spear of dill pickles. Even better, almost 16% of the Daily Value can be obtained from 2 ounces (60 ml) of pickle juice.

Remember that different brands of pickles may contain different amounts of salt.

6. Sweet potatoes

Numerous minerals included in sweet potatoes may speed up your recovery from a hangover.

About 200% of the DV for vitamin A, 13% for magnesium, and 20% for potassium may be found in one cup (200 grams) of cooked sweet potatoes.

7. Spinach

Folate, which is abundant in spinach but is diminished by heavy drinking, is a nutrient.

Chronic alcohol consumption can result in a folate shortage, and alcohol inhibits the absorption of folate, according to a 2002 review of the literature.

After consuming alcohol, eating spinach can help you keep your folate levels appropriate. Cooked spinach makes up 180 grams or one cup, or 66% of the DV.

8. Avocado

After a night of heavy drinking, eating avocados can help elevate low potassium levels caused by dehydration and alcohol intake.

Actually, 136 grams of avocados provide 15%for this mineral of the DV.

Furthermore, studies indicate that chemicals in avocados guard against liver damage. Avocados may be especially helpful for hangovers because excessive alcohol consumption damages the liver.

9. Asparagus

Certain chemicals found in asparagus may help relieve hangover symptoms.

Asparagus extracts have been shown in a test-tube study to both prevent liver cell damage and more than double the efficacy of specific enzymes that aid in the breakdown of alcohol.

Although the impact of eating asparagus on hangovers in people has not yet been studied, it might be worthwhile to give it a try.

Fish and meat

Many meat and fish products provide healthy fats and protein that can help relieve hangover symptoms.

10. Meat

Your body may be better able to handle a hangover if you eat meat and other high-protein foods.

Alcohol, according to research, impairs your body’s ability to absorb specific amino acids. Indeed, long-term alcohol use can cause deficits in certain amino acids.

Because protein is broken down by your body into amino acids, it’s a healthy option for a hangover.
About 22 grams of protein are found in three ounces (85 grams) of beef, compared to 24 grams in three ounces (85 grams) of chicken breast.

11. Soup with chicken noodles

A common cure for the flu or cold is chicken noodle soup. But it could also be useful in cases of hangovers.

Because of its high sodium concentration, research indicates that chicken noodle soup can aid in rehydration .

32% of the DV for sodium is found in one cup (240 grams) of chicken noodle soup.

12. Fish

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in salmon, are highly effective in reducing inflammation in the body.

Eating salmon or other fatty fish may be an excellent strategy to reduce hangover symptoms because consuming alcohol can increase the number of molecules that promote inflammation.

13. Eggs

Eggs are a great source of cysteine, an amino acid that your body needs to make glutathione, an antioxidant.

The body’s glutathione reserves are reduced by alcohol consumption. In the absence of it, your body finds it challenging to process the harmful products of alcohol metabolism.

You can boost glutathione levels in your body and potentially alleviate hangover symptoms by consuming eggs that are high in cysteine.

Additional foods

Here are some more meals that could ease the symptoms of a hangover.

14. Oatmeal

Because oatmeal includes complex carbs, blood sugar is released into the bloodstream gradually and steadily. This could alleviate hangover symptoms.

An earlier study discovered that having a breakfast high in complex carbohydrates rather than refined sugars caused mood improvements and decreased symptoms of exhaustion.

It is unclear, though, whether the study’s findings hold true because the subjects were healthy guys who had not been drinking would apply to those suffering from hangover symptoms.

However, after a night of excessive drinking, reaching for oatmeal might assist with low blood sugar or hangover weariness.

15. Sweet honey

Honey has a high fructose level, which may help with hangover symptoms. It can contain anywhere from 21% to 43% fructose, depending on the kind.

Fructose may hasten your body’s alcohol detoxification process, notwithstanding the paucity of data on this topic.

Honey has been shown to accelerate the rate of alcohol elimination by up to 32.4% in a research involving 50 participants.

In another study, fructose did not seem to lessen the severity of hangover symptoms, despite its capacity to speed up your body’s excretion of alcohol.

Nevertheless, honey and other high-fructose foods shouldn’t be ruled out as a potential remedy for hangovers.

16. Crackers

Fast-acting carbohydrates included in crackers help raise blood sugar levels during a hangover and lessen associated symptoms.The liver no longer concentrates on controlling blood sugar when it breaks down alcohol. This is the reason that binge drinking can lead to low blood sugar, particularly in those who have diabetes. Blood sugar levels rise when eating carbohydrates.

About 11 grams of carbohydrates are included in five saltine crackers (15 grams).

17. Nuts

Because nuts contain a lot of magnesium, they might help cure hangovers.

Drinking too much alcohol can cause your cells to become less magnesium-rich. Thus, replenishing magnesium reserves could aid in the treatment of symptoms.

Almonds provide over 20% of the Daily Value (DV) for magnesium in just one ounce (28 grams).


The beverages listed below might lessen hangover symptoms.

18. Water

One of the most crucial things you can do while you’re hangover is to drink water.

Alcohol promotes water loss and increases the frequency of urination since it is a diuretic. These lost fluids can be restored by water.

19. Juice from tomatoes

You might also try drinking tomato juice if you’re feeling particularly hungover.

Studies reveal that tomatoes have substances that guard against damage to the liver. Tomatoes may be able to lessen the negative effects of alcohol consumption because excessive alcohol use can damage the liver.

20. Green tea

Hangovers may also be fought off by green tea.

Compounds in green tea were shown in one study to dramatically lower blood alcohol levels.

Although these effects have only been studied in animals, green tea may help alleviate hangover symptoms in people as well.

21. Water from coconuts

Drinking coconut water can help you recover from a hangover since staying hydrated is crucial to the recovery process.

Electrolytes abound in coconut water. For potassium and sodium, one cup (240 ml) of coconut water has 13% and 11% of the DVs, respectively.

Consequently, studies have demonstrated that coconut water is equally useful for rehydrating as conventional sports beverages.

Items to stay away from if you’re hangover

Certain foods may worsen your hangover symptoms, just as certain foods may help.

The following foods should be avoided if you’re feeling hungover.

Just as some foods could be beneficial for hangover symptoms, some foods might make you feel worse.

The following foods should be avoided if you’re feeling hungover.

1. Sticky meals

It’s a fallacy that oily meals absorb alcohol from your body. In actuality, inflammatory foods include sausage and french fries. Furthermore, if you drink too much alcohol, your body may take longer to heal from the damage. Consider having an omelet with vegetables or a side of fruit in place of a heavy meal.

2. Coffee

The idea that caffeine makes hangovers go away more quickly is likewise untrue. According to one study, coffee actually reduced the body’s rate of ethanol elimination. Caffeine also increases the frequency of urination. This is usually not a problem. Nevertheless, coffee might exacerbate your dehydration and exacerbate hangover symptoms if your body is already dehydrated from a hangover.

3. Acidic and spicy foods

Alcohol irritates the lining of your stomach, which can lead to indigestion and upset stomach. Alcohol can also exacerbate reflux disease (GERD) and heartburn. Therefore, avoiding meals that may aggravate heartburn symptoms is a wise suggestion. These consist of acidic and spicy foods.

Can supplements or vitamins relieve hangover symptoms?

Supplements and vitamins do not appear to be able to treat hangovers. There are vitamin chewable and patches that promise to stop hangovers. However, these assertions are not well-supported by research.

According to some research, those who regularly consume large amounts of zinc and B vitamins in their diet report having less severe hangover symptoms. However, there’s no proof that a single dose can lessen hangover symptoms.

How can I minimize or avoid the consequences of a hangover?

Reducing alcohol consumption is the greatest approach to avoid a hangover.

Other helpful hints are as follows:

Don’t consume alcohol right before bed. It may beneficial to eat before consuming alcohol to avoid nausea and upset stomach.

A glass of water should be had in between alcoholic drinks. Frequent hydration can reduce the chance of becoming dehydrated.

Remain with clear alcoholic beverages. Drinks with more darkness could have byproducts that exacerbate hangover symptoms.

Take a sick day if you can to recuperate. A hangover can cause agitation, imprudent judgment, and difficulty concentrating.


A hangover cannot be cured magically, but there are a few foods and beverages that can make you feel better. Sleep is also beneficial. Aim to stay away from sweets, coffee, and fried foods. They might exacerbate your symptoms. Stick to electrolyte drinks, water, and bland snacks and bananas instead.

The greatest defense against a hangover is to either abstain from alcohol completely or use it sparingly.

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