Sip these 7 types of tea to help soothe inflammation

Sip these 7 types of tea to help soothe inflammation

Inflammation is a natural and powerful tool our body needs to fight disease, heal wounds, and ward off disease. But when inflammation becomes chronic, it turns from a benefit to a problem.

Why inflammation can be a problem

Many chronic diseases have been linked to inflammation, such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and arthritis. Fighting low-grade inflammation all the time is hard on the body and can damage the immune system over time.
Supporting your body and its inflammatory response is a multifaceted approach that includes getting enough sleep, healthy eating habits, and some beneficial lifestyle changes. The things we eat and drink—from green tea to salmon and Swiss chard—can be powerful tools in our arsenal, especially those that contain essential nutrients to combat chronic inflammation.

How Tea Can Help

A simple way to help reduce inflammation? Sip a cup of simple tea. We’ve known for a long time that drinking tea has many health benefits, and research shows that the polyphenols in tea, as well as some of the herbs and spices commonly used in various tea blends, have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Although the level of anti-inflammatory varies from tea to tea, it is estimated that most teas have more than eight times the antioxidant capacity of fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that people who drink green tea or black tea regularly for example, has reduced the level of C-reactive protein, which is a sign of inflammation in the body.

 Tea as part of the solution

 While drinking tea can help support the body’s anti-inflammatory response,it’s always important to consider the big picture. “To really reduce chronic inflammation, it’s important to focus on a well-rounded diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and nuts instead of focusing on one “superfood” ingredient.” diet that involves reducing the intake of foods that cause inflammation – think of it as addition by subtraction!) 


Anti-inflammatory teas to prepare

1. Green tea

 Green tea is the subject of many research studies and contains compounds that are believed to reduce inflammation and inhibit pro-inflammatory pathways in the body. It is thought to help protect the heart from damage and prevent heart disease.

 Green tea has the potential to interact with certain medications, so be sure to talk to your doctor before adding it to your health regimen.

2. Turmeric tea   

You may know turmeric best for its bright orange color, but the spice is more powerful than just its color. Turmeric contains curcumin, which helps fight substances in the body that can increase inflammation. Since turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, it has been shown to help fight free radicals that can cause pain and inflammation.

3. Ginger tea

Ginger root is a very powerful health food, which is why it’s found in everything from Chinese and Indian spices to candies, personal care products and ginger tea.  According to research, ginger (due to the active ingredient gingerols) has anti-inflammatory properties that can help the body respond to chronic inflammation that leads to pain, including everything from knee pain to post exercise muscle pain and even menstrual discomfort. 

You can buy ginger tea or add it to any tea mix (or on its own). An easy way to give ginger is to brew about eight inches of freshly grated ginger root with your loose leaf tea, or add blended ginger to your infusion. This type of tea reduces stress, fights inflammation, and makes your immune system effective.

4. Holy Basil Tea (or Tulsi Tea)

 Holy basil is a relative of sweet basil, which you know from its role in your favorite caprese salad or pesto recipe. Holy basil, also known as tulsi, has a strong, spicy taste and is used in traditional medicine such as Ayurveda for its ability to help the body adapt to stress. Science supports the ability of holy basil, which is easily consumed as a tea, to support health and well-being in many ways, including supporting the immune response of the body and both acute (short-term inflammation, such as blood blood around the injury). and chronic diseases (long-term inflammation, such as arthritis). Holy basil tea does not contain caffeine, but it is combined with black, white, or green tea to make its taste is soft.


5. Rosehip tea

If you don’t know, rose hips are the round part of the rose flower, below the petals, which contains the seeds of the rose. Rosehip tea is rich in antioxidants, including polyphenols and galactolipids, which have anti-inflammatory properties, especially related to chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.Tea made from this herb has been shown to miraculously reduce pain associated with arthritis and other diseases. – related to inflammation.
6. Chamomile tea

If you grew up drinking chamomile tea when you were out of shape, there’s a good reason. This floral tea has been shown to prevent inflammation and may help in the treatment of cancer. It is a great addition to your evening routine for its many health benefits, which may include helping with insomnia and helping to reduce digestive problems. Try it. with honey and lemon for a decaf sip.

7. Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial effects, making it a great addition to your favorite types of tea or brewed alone as cinnamon tea  One of the best benefits of cinnamon is its ability to help lower blood sugar levels over time by stimulating the release of insulin.

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