Is it safe to eat eggs after their expiration date?

Yes, but there are some rules that need to be followed.

Eggs are versatile and nutritious: you can peel them, boil them, clean them and fry them and, what’s more, they are a good source of high-quality protein, vitamins A, B12, D and E.1 but as they still safe to eat after expiration date? This article explains how to store and handle eggs.

    Is It Okay to Eat Eggs Past the Date on the

Egg cartons can have a number of different dates on them, including sell-by dates, use-by dates, expiration dates, and package dates. If the dates indicated on the package have passed, this does not mean that the eggs are no longer edible. In fact, if stored properly, they should be good for three to five weeks when refrigerated, according to the USDA. 

So the short answer is that it can be safe to eat eggs after the expiration date on the carton. But the long answer is that it’s a little more complicated than that.

Read on to learn how to tell if your eggs are still edible.

Do a float test.

Do a float test.

One way to tell if your eggs are still safe to use is to float test them in water. For this test, remove the number of eggs you plan to use (do not float the egg from the test and put it back in the carton, as storing the egg after it has been wet can make it spoil). Next, fill a large bowl or glass with cold water and put an egg in it.

  • If the egg sinks on the bottom, it is probably fresh and good for cooking and eating.
  • If the egg sinks to the bottom but stays in its point, it is still good but it is getting old and should be used as soon as possible.
  •  If the egg floats to the top, this indicates that it is too old and will no longer safe to eat


However, just because an egg is old does not mean it is perishable, according to the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service.  If you are careful about using old eggs, you can throw them away. if they fail the five tests on the water. Otherwise, use your nose as the next test.

 Use your nose
Your next line of defense against bad eggs is your nose. Feel that the egg is fragrant while it is still in the shell, go ahead and crack it in the bowl, you never do exactly in whatever you do. do, because one bad egg can ruin the whole process. If the egg smells rotten or bad when you open it, it’s time to throw it away and move on to plan B for your diet.

Use your eyes
If the egg smells, check it out. Although blood spots on eggs do not indicate that they are unsafe, pink or iridescent egg whites are a sign of spoilage, according to the USDA. Do not eat eggs that show visible signs of damage, even if they have passed the five tests on water and nose. 

 Check the packaging date, not the expiration date Date, expiration date or sale date
The float test, sniff test, and eye test are good ways to check the eggs once you get them home, but checking the packaging date is something you can do while you’re still at the store to increase your chances.

 What is the packing date? 

When it comes to whether eggs are safe to eat, the most important date on an egg carton is the packing date. The United States Department of Agriculture requires that all eggs be packaged date marked (the date the egg was washed, graded and placed in the egg bag) stamped on ​​the carton.

 How long do eggs last after the package date?

 One way to determine the reasonable-by-date for your eggs is to count four or five weeks from the day the eggs were cleaned and packaged. A properly stored egg should be good for at least that long. Of course, if there are other signs of damage, do not use eggs.

 How to find the packing date? 

You’ll usually find it on one end of the carton, near the sell-by or expiration date. This is a Julian date, so it will be a three-digit number. January 1 will be listed as 001 in December. 31 will be 365. To simplify the issue, the package date can be added to the beginning or end of the plant number. Just look for three consecutive digits and you have your pack date. The good news is that there are Julian date converters available online. An example shows how to check if eggs are still safe to eat.


What about boiled eggs? 

The FDA has specific rules for storing cooked eggs, including the following. But just like raw eggs, if you see anything off-color or smelly in your cooked eggs, throw them away.

  • Use hard-boiled eggs (in the shell or peel) within a week of cooking. 
  • Place the cooked eggs in the refrigerator and use them within three to four days.
  • If you are storing a large amount of hot leftovers with eggs, divide the dish into several shallow containers to cool quickly. 

Tips for storing raw eggs to last longer
In addition to choosing the latest packing date when collecting bags, storing eggs properly is the best way to extend their life:

  • Store eggs in their original container.
  •  Place your egg cartons in the main part of your fridge, where there is little temperature change, not on the door.
  •  Make sure your refrigerator is set to 40 F or lower.

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