If you have hemorrhoids steer clear of these 6 foods (and try these 3 instead)!

You know that a hemorrhoid flare-up can ruin your entire week if you have hemorrhoids. Probably the moment the itching and agony start, you pull out all of your hemorrhoid treatment supplies. However, did you know that how quickly you recover from a hemorrhoid flare-up can be influenced by your diet? Certain foods have a higher tendency to aggravate your hemorrhoids. And certain meals have a higher chance of relieving your hemorrhoids.
Here are six foods you should stay away from till your symptoms go away if you’re experiencing them:
1. Flour that has been refined
Like white flour, refined flour is devoid of germ and bran. These are the fiber-containing sections of the wheat kernel. Thus, there is very little to no fiber in refined flour. Avoiding low-fiber foods is advised if you are experiencing a hemorrhoid flare-up.
Research indicates that inadequate dietary fiber intake increases the risk of persistent hemorrhoid hemorrhage. This is due to the fact that eating low-fiber foods makes stools that are thick and hard to pass without straining. Hemorrhoids are compressed when you strain, which makes them expand and bleed.
Thus, stay away from refined flour-based items like these until your hemorrhoid flare subsides:
- White bagels and breads
- Pasta without whole grains
- Pizza dough
- Pastries such as pies, cakes, and muffins
- prepared meals with bread
These can be substituted for their corresponding whole-grain products, which are higher in fiber.
2. Products made from dairy
Protein, calcium, and vitamin D can all be found in dairy products. However, they are devoid of fiber. Dairy products, like refined flour, can increase the difficulty and hardness of passing stool.
While you’re waiting for your hemorrhoids to heal, try your hardest to avoid dairy.
Typical dairy products are as follows:
- Milk
- Yogurt
- Cream ice cream
- Cheese
- Creamers
3. Spicy foods
There is no conclusive proof that occasionally indulging in spicy cuisine can cause a hemorrhoid flare-up. There are a few reasons, nevertheless, to reduce the heat if your hemorrhoids are already inflamed till you
feel enhanced.
Capsaicin, which is found in spicy foods, may not be fully absorbed by your intestines. The residual spice will travel over your inflamed hemorrhoids and may intensify the burning and pain as it exits your body through your stools.
A common side effect of hemorrhoids is the development of anal fissures, which are tiny tears in the anal canal. Anal fissures hurt a great deal on their own, and if something irritating like capsaicin gets inside of them, the agony is significantly worse.
4. Meat that has been processed
One category of processed foods that has been connected to an increased risk of cancer is processed meats.
heart disease and elevated cholesterol. You should generally cut back on your intake of processed meats. However, you need to take extra care to avoid them if you are experiencing a hemorrhoid flare.
There is no fiber in processed meats, therefore you should avoid eating low-fiber foods when hemorrhoids are flare-up.
Processed meats include, for example:
- Bacon
- Warm dogs
- Sausages
- deli meats
- Salted or cured meats
Additionally, red meat, fowl, poultry, seafood, and fish don’t include any dietary fiber. It might help to acquire your protein from plant-based sources during a flare. Consider giving a vegetarian or flexitarian diet a try.
5. Greasy and fried foods
Greasy or fried foods are typically processed and have very little fiber. This implies that they may make it more challenging for you to pass your stools. Hemorrhoids are more likely to develop if you strain to pass feces, and they are also more prone to flare up.
Steer clear of fried and greasy items if you’re dining out. When cooking at home, use baking instead of frying. Additionally, you should stay away from prepackaged foods like potato chips that are heavy in fat.
6. Tobacco
Alcohol can impact your digestive system in various ways. First of all, drinking alcohol might slow down your intestines and make it more difficult for them to pass food through. Constipation and worse hemorrhoids may result from this.
Because alcohol dehydrates you, it can also cause constipation. It inhibits the antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which increases urination after alcohol use. Your intestines will retain more water when you grow dehydrated in order to compensate for the lost fluid. As a result, there is less water in your stool, which makes it more challenging to pass. Hemorrhoid inflammation and straining may result from this.
Which foods are ideal to consume if you have hemorrhoids?
You may be wondering what to consume to speed up the healing of your hemorrhoids now that you know what to avoid. A diet that is hemorrhoid-friendly doesn’t have to be intricate. There are several of delicious, well-known foods that are high in fiber and can hasten your healing process.
Getting at least 28 g of fiber per day is your objective. You don’t have to limit your diet to these items every day. However, they’re a terrific way to help you reach your fiber goal if they’re not a regular part of your diet.
cereal with a lot of fiber
When you experience a hemorrhoid flare-up, whole-grain cereals are a fantastic breakfast or snack choice. Choose cereals with a minimum of 5 grams of fiber per serving. You can find a variety of options in your cereal aisle, such as high-bran cereals and shredded wheat. For every one of these kinds, there are multiple brands.
various cereals; just be careful to look at the fiber content on the nutrition label to see if the 5 g cutoff is met at 4 g per serving, oatmeal has a somewhat lower fiber content. However, it still has a lot of punch. You can incorporate oatmeal into your breakfast and snack routine if you enjoy it.
Beans are an excellent source of protein and fiber. When you have a hemorrhoid flare, you want to make them the focal point of as many meals as you can. How you eat them is irrelevant. The fiber remains in place. You can receive all the nutrients you need from them whether you eat them mashed, baked, roasted, or pureed.
They also work well in recipes as a meat alternative. You can be used in place of meat in soups, stews, and chili. For an additional serving of fiber, you may also toss them into your salads.
Since all beans are high in fiber, you can choose the variety that you prefer, such as:
- White
- Navy
- Garzanzo
- Pinto
- Red kidney
- Dark beans
Beans in a can or dried form are further options. There’s lots of fiber in both variants.
Vegetables and fruits
While fiber is present in some fruits and vegetables, it is not present in others. For sides and snacks, choose foods strong in fiber to aid in the healing of your hemorrhoids.
Berries are all high-fiber fruits. In addition to eating them raw and whole, you can also prepare smoothies made from the frozen forms. Pears and apples are excellent providers of dietary fiber. Since the peel has the most fiber, try eating them still attached to their skin.
Vegetables are generally high in dietary fiber. Since there are so many possibilities, select ones that you enjoy eating. When it comes to cooking, don’t mess around—just bake, roast, or sauté lightly in olive oil. This will prevent you from overstressing your hemorrhoids by maintaining a minimal fat level.
The speed at which you recover from a hemorrhoid flare-up depends on what you eat. Steer clear of low-fiber meals like dairy, processed meats, and refined wheat when experiencing a flare. Consuming foods low in fiber causes constipation. Your hemorrhoids may become compressed as a result, bleeding. During a flare-up, eating meals high in fiber may speed up your recovery. Aim for 28 grams or more of fiber per day. High-fiber foods include beans, a variety of fruits and vegetables, and high-fiber cereals.