How to tell if yogurt is bad
Yogurt is a milk product that is fermented by bacteria, so it can be difficult to tell if it is bad.
Does yogurt go bad?
The short answer is yes, yogurt can go bad. Yoghurt is a stable food, but it can go bad because of mold, yeast or bacteria that grow quickly. This damage is most likely to happen if the yogurt is not stored in the refrigerator at 40 degrees or more. Due to added sugar, flavored yogurts spoil faster than their counterparts if not stored at room temperature.
Perishable foods that require refrigeration can spoil. In the case of yogurt, the recommended shelf life is two weeks in the refrigerator and two months in the freezer, according to the USDA. There is no guarantee whether the yogurt will be edible before or after this time, so it is always a good idea to check the smell or any unpleasant changes if you are in doubt, throw it away
How to Store
Yogurt So It Lasts the Longest
The best practice for extending the shelf life of yogurt is to store it in the refrigerator at or below 40 degrees F. therefore, scoop out what you want with a clean spoon, cover, and return the tub to the refrigerator as soon as possible. You want to minimize the amount of time the yogurt stays out of the refrigerator, and never leave it in the refrigerator for more than two hours. When storing yogurt in the freezer, the best temperature should be 0 degrees F and the yogurt should be eaten within two months of freezing.
What you need to know about the sell-by date for yogurt
Usually, manufacturers write sell-by date on food to show when the product will remain good, not to show spoilage. It’s generally safe to eat yogurt past its sell-by date as long as there are no signs of spoilage, such as off-flavors or mold. It is best to eat yogurt within 7 to 14 days after opening to reduce the risk of mold or yeast.
How to know if yogurt is bad
There are many things to look for that indicate if yogurt is unhealthy. Here’s what to look for:
Mold or yeast growth
These can be green, blue, gray or white in color. If you see a different color that shouldn’t be there, discard the yogurt.
Too much clumping or curdling
Yogurt should have a soft texture, so a clumpy or curdled consistency is a sign of spoilage and a warning to discard the yogurt.
Too much liquid
Yogurt usually has a little liquid on it (this can be drained if you want). But if the yogurt bag is past its sell-by date or has been open for several days, you can see a lot of liquid on the surface, which can indicate spoilage.
If the yogurt smells bad or rancid, throw it away. Spoiled dairy products can appear to have a strong odor or smell.
What happens if you eat yogurt that is not healthy?
While there is no guarantee that eating spoiled yogurt will make you sick, it is best to avoid this risk. Eating spoiled yogurt and dairy products can cause stomach upset and possibly nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, depending on how much you eat. In cases where yogurt has gone bad, its bad taste can prevent people from consuming large amounts of it.
Can you freeze yogurt?
Thinking of stocking up on yogurt? You can freeze yogurt for up to two months from the date of purchase (it will still technically be good after that, but the flavor may suffer).
You can freeze yogurt in its original container or separate it into separate airtight containers. You can also pour or pour the yogurt into an ice cube tray, then transfer the ice cubes to a reusable food grade bag once frozen.
When you are ready to use yogurt, you can use it frozen (for example, put a cube or two in a blender with some fruit for a smoothie) or thaw it in the refrigerator and use it within a week.
It should be noted that previously frozen yogurt may contain grains. To reduce the grain, stir the thawed yogurt well in a blender or food processor for a smooth texture.
If the texture of frozen yogurt bothers you but you want to avoid food waste, consider adding it as the base of your favorite smoothie or smoothie bowl. Another option is to use yogurt in baked goods such as muffins, quick breads and cakes. How to use yogurt before it goes bad
If you have yogurt in the refrigerator that is close to the end of its life and you don’t feel like eating another bowl of yogurt, there are other ways to add nutrients to your diet. You can use it to make delicious snacks like our Yogurt Granola Breakfast Popsicles or our Strawberry and Chocolate Greek Yogurt Barks. Yogurt complements savory dishes such as chicken shawarma, plain bread, and red lentil stew with ginger-yogurt sauce. It is also an excellent base for marinades, salad dressings, sauces and dips.
Yogurt is a flavored milk product that can be enjoyed on its own or added to various recipes. With a relatively short shelf life of a week or two in the refrigerator once opened, it’s best to eat yogurt as soon as possible. Although you can also freeze yogurt for future use, yogurt can go bad at any time, even before it technically expires. Always trust your instincts by using your senses to determine whether or not to eat.
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