Bad carrot have discoloration on them

How to tell if carrots are bad (with pictures!)

Carrots are one of the most popular vegetables that families cannot live without. Because carrots are inexpensive, they make a good filling in your meal or as a side dish. This is why we buy carrots in abundance, knowing that carrots have a long shelf life, but in the end we always end up wasting some of them. Let’s find out exactly how to know if carrots are bad.
You can tell that carrots are bad if the texture of the carrots becomes soft and shiny and if there are some changes in your carrots, such as white spots or even black spots soft. These weak points will eventually become strong and serious.

 Carrots are nutritious and inexpensive vegetables, and they have a long shelf life compared to other perishable fresh fruits. To give carrots an even longer life, you should always store them in the refrigerator.

However, this is not a promise of freshness; Let’s take a look at how to tell if carrots are still edible or rotten (BEFORE you use them as a side dish for chicken, or cook them in a skillet metal!) 

How do you know if carrots have gone bad?
You can tell bad carrots by looking at three main signs: carrot texture, discoloration, and finally, mold. There is another sign that can appear sometimes and that is the smell of rotten carrots. Despite this, at this time, in truth, you probably would have noticed and discarded the carrots that are not good. 


1.  A bad carrot have soft spots

A bad carrot have soft spots

 The next three signs are all related to how the appearance of carrots changes if they are bad. You will first notice that your carrots are a little soft. They will no longer be the strong and hardy vegetables they should be. However, it will still be possible to save them at this time, because carrots are a hard vegetable and it takes time before they break down completely.

 In other words, this does not mean that you should forget them completely. Use them immediately if you see soft spots appearing on your carrots. You can remove these spots and wash the carrots thoroughly to ensure that you remove all the bacteria. After that, they are still eaten if the whole carrot is not soft. Then you will lose it.

2. Bad carrots are mushy and slimy

Bad carrots are mushy and slimy

If your carrots are no longer soft and become mushy and slimy, this is a sign of too much rot; Chances are, at this point, they will also show other signs. You can try to save some carrots if they are not all mushy and slimy. All the best carrots will have soft spots, but you can clean them when you eat them. However, if the carrots are in the extreme stage of decay, you should throw them away, especially if there is a bad smell around the carrots.
Another sign related to this is the appearance of fruit flies. The slimy, slimy texture, along with the smell, will attract these little bugs that will gather around your carrots like flies, creating a constant nuisance in your kitchen and getting into any food you prepare.

 3. Bad carrot have discoloration on them

Bad carrot have discoloration on them

Discoloration does not always indicate that carrots are bad. For example, if you buy peeled carrots and they have white spots, they are usually safe to eat. This happens when the carrot no longer has a skin to protect it from oxygen. However, if the carrots are white and show signs of a slimy, watery texture, do not eat them because this is a sign of bacteria.
You may also notice unpeeled, under-washed carrots starting to show signs of discoloration from white to black. If they have recently started to change color, you can safely remove these areas of discoloration to eat flavorful, fix-rich carrots.
However, if there are signs of mold besides discoloration, you should be careful of other molds. Mold can attach itself to all utensils and containers if you are not careful, including in the refrigerator if the temperature allows.
Therefore, if you have seen a carrot with spots on the skin, you should consider throwing it away, but you should wash all the areas around it.

 Look for these signs of damage in other vegetables, too, like broccoli and cabbage!


 4. The bad carrots are bendable without snapping
Carrots are still edible when they start to lose some of their crispness. If the carrots are only slightly shriveled and will not have one to shine, they are still at the beginning of their deterioration, so it is time to prepare them before they are completely unsalvageable.

At this time, it will be more difficult to remove the skin with a peeler and many healthy carrots will be lost. But these carrots are still edible, not for long. Once they are cooked, you won’t think they are fresh anymore.

5. Bad carrots may contain mold

The bad carrots are bendable without snapping

There are a few things you should consider before you dispose of carrots and mold. Mold growth can be cut away; However, if you allow this time to grow bright and quickly with carrots that are showing signs of rot, you will lose any weak, shiny carrots.
But you can still store carrots with mold if it has not spread to the carrots themselves. First, find out exactly what the mold root growth is and cut it off without harming it. Do not cut through the peeler and cut another piece of carrot without mold on it; This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make because it will spread mold. 

You should cut the carrots at least one inch from the mold. Fungi and creeping things have a hard time getting in and growing on carrots because carrots are expensive and have low water content. At first, it grows only on the skin and is slightly below. But that does not mean that it can still become dangerous at times. 

You should trust your instincts. If you think that carrots are not good for consumption for any reason, you should not try to collect them. It is always better to err on the side of safety. Also, when you cut the carrots that are moving and wash them, cut a small piece and taste it. If it doesn’t taste good, you can use this carrot without any problems.
Let’s say there’s a bug in your fridge from a bad carrot. In this case, you should clean the refrigerator and throw away any food that is not in an airtight container and can be exposed to bacteria.

6. Rotten carrots smell bad

Rotten carrots smell bad

If the carrots have gone bad and smell, it is probably because they are in a crisper, still in the original package they were in when you bought them. They will sit in the water of one or more carrots that have started to rot.
If you find yourself in a situation where your carrots show all the signs mentioned, they are different levels of decay. At this point, your only option is to discard the carrot altogether; do not try to retrieve them.
If you are in this situation, you need to clean your refrigerator thoroughly to get rid of all the bacteria. The problem is that bacteria can still grow in your refrigerator and get into other foods that haven’t been properly sealed.
Whatever you do, never sniff bad carrots if mold grows on them. Dust can easily enter your lungs and respiratory system and cause serious health problems.

Carrots are an amazing vegetable that has many health benefits and flavor. They last a long time if stored properly. But if you know this, you can use it accidentally and leave carrots in the refrigerator for a long time. If so, be sure to check the appearance and smell of the carrots to make sure you are not eating rotten carrots! 

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