How to cut an onion without crying
It’s worth learning how to cut an onion without crying. After all, root vegetables are an important ingredient in countless recipes, because of their ability to create a deep and balanced flavor. While the pain and discomfort caused by chopping onions may seem like an inevitable part of the process, it is possible to make the job more enjoyable.
Try this expert-approved way to stop crying while chopping onions – your eyes will thank you.
Why onions make you cry
Onions cause breakdown due to a series of chemical reactions, all of which happen within seconds. Onions contain amino acids called cysteine sulfoxides. When onion flesh is cut, cut or torn, enzymes in the onion break down cysteine sulfoxides and convert them into volatile compounds called S-propanethial oxide. (Note: Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions.) Propanethial S-oxide breaks down into sulfuric acid in the eyes, leading to the irritation, stinging, and tearing effects that many of us experience. – associated with cutting onions.
How to cut onion without crying onion
1. Chill the onion
Although this onion cutting tecnigue requires some planning, it’s worth it: Just chill the onion in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes before you’re ready to chop it. Cold temperature of
The refrigerator will reduce the enzymes responsible for the production of propanethial S-oxide, thus reducing its irritating effect, Plus, chilling an onion will slow down how quickly (and far) its vapors travel.
If you are tempted to put onions in the refrigerator to speed up the process, know that this may not be the best solution. Compared to the freezer, the fridge works better because there’s less risk of the onion becoming too hard.
2. Use a sharp knife
When you cut an onion, you break down the cell wall and release sulfur compounds. Using a sharp knife allows for cleaner cutting, reducing damage [to the cell wall] and
thereby reducing the amount of compounds that are released into the air. In contrast, using a poor knife will crush the onion, leaving the offending compounds. So, the cleaner it is, the more you think you won’t push,” he says.
3. Wear glasses
Onion goggles are novelty item, but if they fit you well, they can work. You can also wear laboratory glasses. In any case, as long as they completely cover your eyes, safety glasses can help reduce tearing by providing protection against volatile compounds.
4. Cut less
If you’re not comfortable with a specific cut, consider slicing vs dicing it. The more you cut an onion, the more volatile compounds you release into the air.” Since slicing requires fewer cuts (and time), choosing this slicing method can help reduce your exposure to irritating compounds limiting tearing.
5. Soak the onion in cold water
Another way to stop crying while chopping onions is to soak them in a bowl of ice water for 15 to 20 minutes. As the refrigeration process, the cold temperature of the ice water will decrease
a number of volatile compounds are released into the atmosphere. However, the taste of your onion may be milder with this option. Therefore, consider ignoring it when preparing dishes designed to showcase the onion flavor.
6. Microwave the onion
To reduce tearing when chopping an onion, gently microwave it for a few minutes. The heat from the microwave power doesn’t change [activates] the enzymes, which prevents them from converting the cysteine sulfoxides in the onion.
7. Increase ventilation
When you’re chopping onions, increasing the amount of air and working air will keep the particles that irritate you away You can do this by opening the lid of your stove and cutting onions nearby. Other options include opening windows, using a fan or table fan (or all of the above!) to keep air flowing and exhaust gases out.
Move the onions away
If you’re cutting a lot of onions, keep them where you are when you’re cutting them. For example, if you’re making a big bowl of French onion soup, put [the onions] in a bag of your choice and put them somewhere else as you chop more. Better yet, place them near an open window. . or another source of ventilation to keep the garden out of your sight.
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