How long does a mango last, and how do you know if it's bad?

How long does a mango last, and how do you know if it’s bad?

This is all about the storage life and deterioration of mango. Find out how long mangoes last and how to know if you can still eat them.
You are buying mangoes for the first time. You start unpacking them and realize that you don’t know much about this fruit. How long do mangoes last? If this is your experience, don’t worry. Mangoes are very similar to other tropical fruits, such as avocados or papayas. If you know a thing or two about each, everything below will fall into place.
Otherwise, no problem. In this article, I’ll cover everything you need to know about mangoes, so once you’re done, you’ll know exactly what to do with yours.
To begin with, let us consider the difference between ripe and unripe mangoes. You need to know which one it is before you proceed.


How do you know if a mango is ripe?


How do you know if a mango is ripe? 

To know where to put your mangoes, you must first know if yours is ripe or not.
So how do you know if a mango is ripe?  

There are several things to consider:

  • Feel it:

 Feelings are what you should focus on. The mango should be soft, but not mushy. In other words, the fruit should yield little to gentle pressure.

  • Smell:

Sometimes, the stem gives off a sweet smell, which indicates that the mango is ready to eat. However, mine doesn’t smell too bad and the fruit is very good.

  • Skin shriveling:

 If the skin near the end of the stem begins to disappear, the fruit is ripe and begins to overripe.
The color of a mango is not a good indicator of its ripeness. This is because different species have different colors, some don’t change color at all as they grow.

When checking for ripeness, you should first consider the quality of the fruit in your hand. If it feels good to you, consider it mature, no matter how it looks or smells.
Now that you know if your mangoes are ripe, we can discuss their lifespan. 

How long do mangoes last?
Unripe mangoes need one to seven days to ripen. Once ripe, it will keep for about 5 to 7 days in the refrigerator, but only 2 to 3 days if left at room temperature.
For unripe mangoes, the time required to ripen can be anywhere from one day to seven days. Everything depends on the fruit. One that has one that is uniform green and is firm to the touch will take longer to ripen than one that is yellow and soft in some areas.

 When it comes to ripe mangoes, they should be kept for at least 5 days in the refrigerator. Obviously, you can get an extra day or two if yours isn’t ripe before you put it in the fridge. Mango and Chicken Salad Mango and Chicken Salad
Cut mangoes, including halves, slices, cubes and mango puree, will keep for 3 to 4 days in an airtight or resealable bag in the refrigerator. If you need more time, frozen mangoes are a good choice. You’ve probably seen frozen mangoes in the store’s freezer, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t make your own.





Unripe mango

1-7 days until ripe


Ripe mango

  2-3 days

5-7 days

Cut mango


3-5 days


Please note that the times shown in the table above are estimates only. 

How to store mangoes

1.  Unripe mangoes

 When it comes to storing unripe mangoes, thermal paper bags are a good solution. Of course, the fruit can also be placed on the table or in a fruit basket. Just make sure it’s not in direct sunlight.
If you want to extend the fruit, this paper bag will be useful. This will help trap ethylene gas produced by the fruit, helping to grow.

To speed things up, add tomatoes or avocados to this container to get more ethylene. You can also add apples or bananas, or any other fruit or vegetable that produces gas mentioned.
Last but not least, check the growing mangoes every day or two. 

The same method works for other fruits that are not always ripe when you buy them, for example plums, apricots, etc.
2. Ripe mangoes

For ripe mango, refrigeration is the best option. This is because mangoes continue to grow indoors, which shortens their lifespan. The whole fruit can be kept in the refrigerator without additional packaging. When it comes to mango slices, place the slices in an airtight container and refrigerate. Simple as that.


How do you know if a mango is bad?

 Knowing whether a mango is spoiled or not is complicated. All the signs are clear. Here are some of the more common ones:

 Mushy flesh:

Ripe mango flesh is slightly tender, but far from mushy. If yours has reached that point, it’s best to throw it away. Same thing if there are big sunken spots. If your mango has matured, there is a good chance that the flesh will begin to darken and soften around the skin. If these areas have a soft color, I suggest to cut them and use others. 

Oozing liquid:

 This mango is gone, throw it away.

 Large black spot on the skin:

If the fruit starts to turn black, it is clear that it is overripe and useless. Please note that a few black dots here are enough.


This is pretty obvious

Last but not least, if you feel that there is something wrong with the fruit, like it is sweet or smelly, throw it away. Your judgment is very good in determining whether fruit is edible or not. Listen to them!

How to cut a mango

 Cutting and preparing the mango is basically finding the pit and cutting around it. The pit is the white part of the fruit. It is not like the pit of an avocado or the fruit of an apple. It connects with other tissues, and removing it is not easy. Basically, you cut off as much of the soft tissue as possible and leave the rest.

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