How long can you keep potato salad out?

One of the oldest worries associated with cookouts, potlucks, picnics, BBQs, and block parties may be leaving potato salad out at room temperature. How long then can you keep it-based foods at room temperature (or even outside in the yard) before they start to go bad? Will they even cause you to become ill?
The Food and Drug Administration recommends keeping food out of the “Danger Zone,” which is defined as “40 degrees F to 140 degrees F for more than 2 hours, or 1 hour if outdoor temperatures exceed 90 degrees F.” Bacteria in the risk zone can proliferate fast on food, resulting in deterioration and foodborne illness.
And, while many people assume that the mayonnaise in potato salad is the source of rapid bacterial development, and hence no-mayonnaise salads are safer outside, this is not the case. It’s the potatoes themselves. Potatoes, like rice, are low-acid foods that can easily become a breeding ground for germs. This means that potato salad prepared without mayonnaise is not exempt.
How Long Can Potato Salad Stay Out?
With the FDA rules in mind, potato salad should not be left out for more than two hours, and no more than one hour if kept in temps exceeding 90 degrees Fahrenheit.To prevent the formation of hazardous bacteria, keep cold foods cold (and hot foods hot) at your picnic. This implies that if you have cold foods like potato salad and chicken salad, store them in coolers until you’re ready to serve them.
How Long Does Potato Salad Last in the Refrigerator?
According to the USDA, egg and mayonnaise-based potato salad can be refrigerated for three to four days if refrigerated immediately. A German-style potato salad, on the other hand, can be preserved in a sealed container for up to five days.The refrigerator.
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