Ekpang Nkwukwo
Ekpang Nkwukwo is one of the Nigerian recipes made from grated cocoyam, water yam, cocoa yam leaves and periwinkle. This is a Nigerian recipe from South-Southeast Nigeria, Cross River and Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. Ekpang Nkwukwo is so special that it is reserved for special occasions
Ingredients for Ekpang Nkwukwo
- 500 g of cocoyam
- 250 g water yam (optional)
- Vegetable:
- A large bunch of tender cocoyam leaves
- Pumpkin leaves
- Scent leaves (nchanwu, efiri)
- Palm oil: generous quantity
- A handful of crayfish
- 3 medium onions
- 2 milk cups (300 g shelled or 500 g unshelled) periwinkle
- Different beef and offal
- Dried fish
- Snail (optional)
- Pepper and salt to taste
- 2 stock cube
Before cooking Nigerian Ekpang Nkwukwo
- Wash and cook the beef, offals and dry fish with spices until done.
- Cut, wash and grate the cocoyam and wateryam(if you plan to use it). Mix both together and set aside.
- Prepare the pot by rubbing a generous amount of red palm oil into the pot.
- Wash the tender cocoyam leaves and tear them into pieces. If you are using pumpkin leaves, wash them and set aside.
- Mix the pepper with the crayfish and set aside.
- Wash periwinkles and set aside.
- Wash and cut the scent leaves into small pieces.
Cooking directions for Nigeria Ekpang Nkwukwo
- If you are using unshelled periwinkles, put them in the bottom of a well-oiled pot.
- Scoop a small quantity of the grated cocoayam into a sheet of torn cocoayam leaf or one pumkin leaf. Wrap the cocoyam with the leaf and put it in a pot. Repeat this process until all the grated cocayam is used.
- Add peppers, crayfish, onions, periwinkles and assorted beef.
- Add hot water to the level of the contents of the pan and cook on medium heat for 20 minutes.
- Now, add the scent leaves, plenty of palm oil and salt to taste. Cook for another 5 minutes and the ekpang nkwukwo is done.
- Leave to sit for 5 minutes and stir.
This is how to cook Nigerian Ekpang Nkwukwo.