Ekpang Nkwukwo Recipe

 Ekpang Nkwukwo Recipe

Ekpang Nkwukwo is one of the Nigerian recipes made from grated cocoyam, water yam, cocoa yam leaves and periwinkle. This is a Nigerian recipe from South-Southeast Nigeria, Cross River and Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. Ekpang Nkwukwo is so special that it is reserved for special occasions



Ingredients for Ekpang Nkwukwo


  • 500 g of cocoyam
  • 250 g water yam (optional)
  •  Vegetable:
  •  A large bunch of tender cocoyam leaves
  •  Pumpkin leaves
  • Scent leaves (nchanwu, efiri)
  •  Palm oil: generous quantity
  •  A handful of crayfish
  • 3 medium onions
  •  2 milk cups (300 g shelled or 500 g unshelled) periwinkle
  • Different beef and offal
  • Dried fish
  • Snail (optional)
  • Pepper and salt to taste
  • 2 stock cube

Before cooking Nigerian Ekpang Nkwukwo

  •  Wash and cook the beef, offals and dry fish with spices until done.
    Rinse and cook the beef, offals and dry fish with the seasoning till done

  • Cut, wash and grate the cocoyam and wateryam(if you plan to use it). Mix both together and set aside.
    Cut, wash and grate the cocoyam and wateryam(if you plan to use it). Mix both together and set aside.


  • Prepare the pot by rubbing a generous amount of red palm oil into the pot.
    Prepare the pot by rubbing a generous amount of red palm oil into the po

  • Wash the tender cocoyam leaves and tear them into pieces. If you are using pumpkin leaves, wash them and set aside.
    Wash the tender cocoyam leaves and tear them into pieces. If you are using pumpkin leaves, wash them and set aside

  • Mix the pepper with the crayfish and set aside.
    Mix the pepper with the crayfish and set aside.

  • Wash periwinkles and set aside.
    Wash periwinkles and set aside

  • Wash and cut the scent leaves into small pieces.
    Wash and cut the scent leaves into small pieces.

Cooking directions for Nigeria Ekpang Nkwukwo 


  • If you are using unshelled periwinkles, put them in the bottom of a well-oiled pot.
  • Scoop a small quantity of the grated cocoayam into a sheet of torn cocoayam leaf or one pumkin leaf. Wrap the cocoyam with the leaf  and put it in a pot. Repeat this process until all the grated cocayam is used.
  • Add peppers, crayfish, onions, periwinkles and assorted beef.
  •  Add hot water to the level of the contents of the pan and cook on medium heat for 20 minutes. 
  • Now, add the scent leaves, plenty of palm oil and salt to taste. Cook for another 5 minutes and the ekpang nkwukwo is done. 
  • Leave to sit for 5 minutes and stir.

This is how to cook Nigerian Ekpang Nkwukwo.


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