9 Health Benefits of Tiger Nut

 9 Health Benefits of Tiger Nut

Tiger nut is the tubers or bulbous roots of the stem. They grow under the ground and provide nutrients to the plants of the grass called nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus lativum), which is common in Africa and Spain. 

This ancient root is related to potatoes and has more fruit. But the tiger’s bones are very small (the size of a marble or, dare we say, a walnut?) In the trap and outside. Tiger parts are very influential. You can eat them raw, dried or cooked, They have a sweet, nutty flavor similar to almonds.
The tubers can be ground into flour, cooked for a snack, or boiled and made into milk or juice. Tiger meat is the main ingredient in the traditional Spanish horchata de chufa, a sweet milkshake (although Mexican horchata is made with rice).

Nutritional information
A 1/4 cup or 1 ounce serving of tiger nuts (about 50 tubers) contains about:

  •  120 calories.
  •  19 grams of carbohydrates. 
  • 7 grams of fat (preferably monounsaturated fat).
  •  10 grams of fiber.
  •  1 to 2 grams of protein.
  • 9 grams of sugar. 

Are tiger nuts healthy
Scientists have not done many studies on the health benefits of tigers. But existing studies show that eating tiger nuts and tiger products can be good for you. Tiger nuts can provide:

 1. Essential mineral to improve bodily function
Tiger nuts may be small, but they pack a mighty punch. The nuts are rich in many minerals:

  •  Calcium promotes strong bones. 
  • Copper helps your body break down and use iron.
  •  Iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to all parts of your body.
  • Magnesium regulates blood sugar, blood pressure, and muscle and nerve function.
  •  Phosphorus regulates muscle and nerve function, including heart function. 
  • Potassium helps control high blood pressure by maintaining a healthy level of water in the cells.
  •  Zinc supports a healthy immune system, promotes tissue healing, and promotes the growth of healthy cells.


2. Important vitamin for overall health
Tiger nut is also a good source of these vitamins: 

  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, helps prevent infections and promotes wound healing. 
  • Vitamin D helps your body absorb the calcium and phosphorus needed for strong bones.
  •  Vitamin E works as an antioxidant to destroy free radicals that damage healthy cells. 

3. Antioxidants promote immunity against disease
Like many plants, tiger nuts are rich in antioxidants, including vitamins C and E. Antioxidants help prevent cellular damage and may provide protective benefits against the effects of aging, as well 

diseases like cancer and heart disease. Roasted tiger prawns usually contain more antioxidants than raw or cooked tiger prawns. 

4. Good fats for a healthy heart
Like olive oil, tiger nut oil is rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. This fat helps keep your cholesterol levels at a healthy level, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Tigernut oil also contains vitamins and nutrients, as well as alkaloids, saponins and tannins. These chemical compounds have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

5. Better digestion

Tiger nut is rich in insoluble fiber. This type of fiber passes through your system undigested, helping to bulk up stools and prevent constipation. Fiber also helps you feel full longer, which can help you lose weight.
Tiger nut also contains resistant starch. This type of fiber works as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of good bacteria that help with digestion. A diet rich in fiber can help prevent colorectal cancer, constipation, heart disease and obesity.
On the other hand, the fibrous nature of tiger nut can cause bloating and gas, especially if you have digestive problems. It can help to gradually increase fiber intake, along with grilling or grilling tiger nut to improve.


6. Improved blood sugar control

 High quality tiger nuts are also beneficial in preventing blood sugar spikes. Fiber slows the absorption of sugar through the intestines. Tiger nut also contains arginine. This amino acid helps keep blood sugar levels within healthy limits by increasing insulin production and sensitivity. These effects are especially helpful when you have diabetes.

7. Strong bones

The protein in tiger nuts contains 18 amino acids, placing the tubers in a balanced ratio that makes them an excellent source of plant-based protein. Tiger nuts contain essential amino acids like lysine and glycine, which you need for healthy bones, muscles, and tissue. 

 8. Increased libido
Quercetin, a plant pigment (flavonoid), gives the fruit its yellow color. It is also called an aphrodisiac. Research is being done to find out if the quercetin in tiger nuts really stimulates the libido, thereby improving sexual intercourse.

 9. Lots of food options
Tiger nut flour is starchier than other gluten-free flour options. Therefore, gluten-free breads, crackers, pastries and pastas made with tiger nut flour are tasty and healthy.

Tigernut, tiger flour, tiger nut oil, and tiger nut milks can be good choices for people following a nut-free, gluten-free, or dairy-free diet. Tiger nut can add a delicious twist to your meals and snacks. 

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