10 bad cooking habits you should break

10 bad cooking habits you should break

Some habits can be difficult to break. When it comes to cooking, you may have bad habits that you didn’t know before. Some can prevent your food from reaching perfection while others can be dangerous for your health.

 Below are 10 bad cooking habits you should break:

1. You don’t preheat your cooking surfaces properly
When you’re hungry, “preheat the oven or grill” may seem like an extra step just to annoy you, but it’s necessary. Baking or roasting in an oven that hasn’t been properly cleaned will shorten the cooking time or cause your food to overcook or even burn. Same thing with the grill. Placing food on an improperly heated grill grate causes it to stick and burn.

 But be careful, you can also overheat while heating, causing the oil to smoke. Most recipes start by heating oil in a pan. It usually takes a while for the stove to heat up, so we add the oil and turn it back to the pan to heat it up again. Before you know it, you see wisps of smoke, which means the pan is hot and ready to cook, right? Fake! Not only do most oils taste bad when they are hot or past their smoke point, but when hot oils smoke or are repeatedly heated, they start break down, destroys useful antioxidants and oils that produce harmful compounds. . . However, where the oil smoke is actually temperature (olive oil is between 365 ° and 420 ° F), it is not an absolute number, because many factors affect the property. oil chemicals. You can cook safely and healthily with any oil by not heating it until it smokes. To get your oil hot enough to cook, heat it until it shimmers. pan with oil and garlic 


2. You dip and sweep the flour

When measuring flour, many people fill their cups by putting it in the bag, mixing it and pouring it into the bowl. This is a common mistake. Here’s why it doesn’t work: The movement puts the flour in the cup, giving you more than you really need.

 How to do it right: 

The correct way to measure flour is to spoon it into a measuring cup and level it up at the top.

3. You overfill your pan and stir the food vigorously
Sometimes cooking takes a little patience. It may seem quick to fill your pot to the brim with ingredients, but this can cut down on food and give you a big pile of mush in the end. If you want to sauté, filling your pan will cause your food to steam and not give you the awesome results you’re looking for. The same goes to meat cooking. shoving too much meat to the pan causes the temperature of the pan to drop quickly, which can cause sticking and many other problems. Best to cook in batches. The longer you spend, the better your diet will be.
Another way to make sure your food is looking its best is to avoid the temptation to overcook it. It’s tempting to stir your food regularly to prevent burning, but stirring too much can be harmful. It prevents browning (the flavor-enhancing thing you get when your food sits over the heat) and breaks down the food, making your food tender. Always stay on the trigger unless the recipe specifically tells you to do so.

4. You don’t let your meat rest
You’re hungry and you want to hear that steak, you just pull out the grill. Wait! Let your meat rest before you cut it. When you rest, the juice is distributed throughout the body and you will get juicier results. Cut it quickly and all the juice will run over the meat you are cutting and not get into your meat. Allow smaller meats to rest for a short time (say 5-10 minutes or so) while larger meats rest longer (about 20 minutes for a whole turkey, for example).

5. You rinse +the meat before cooking it

Washing meat in your sink may get rid of slime, but it also contaminates your water with bacteria that can cause foodborne illness. Instead, pat your meat dry with a paper towel to remove any unwanted material.

6. You are using non-stick pans on high heat with metal utensils

 Lower the heat when using non-stick pans. High temperatures can cause PFCs (perfluorocarbons) to be released from the coating in the form of fumes. PFCs have been linked to liver damage and developmental disorders. Check with your stove manufacturer for their recommended temperature.
Another thing to keep in mind when using stainless steel is to avoid metal utensils. You can be very careful with the surface of the pan, which can cause you to get PFC and poor insulation. Use wooden or heat-resistant plastic utensils when using non-wooden pans. The right way to clean and condition your cast iron frame

7. You cook or store acidic foods in reactive pans

 Aluminum is often used in the kitchen because it is a great conductor of heat, but it is not good for your food. How will he get there? Cooking or storing anything acidic in reactive containers, such as aluminum and cast iron, can corrode the metal and impart an unpleasant color and/or taste to your food. . Use a non-reactive pan (stainless steel, enameled, or glass) when cooking acidic foods such as lemon or tomato juice to prevent the food from reacting with the pan.


8. You mix hot liquids (without removing the cap)

You only have to blend hot liquids and you have them spray it directly in your kitchen, because the result is unforgettable. Most blenders use a removable cap on top. If you’ve ever been attacked by hot water coming out of your blender, it’s probably because you didn’t remove the cap before blending. The steam from the hot water creates pressure that actually bursts the lid if the cap is on. To reduce pressure, remove the cap and cover the hole with a folded towel to prevent damage before mixing.

9. You place a Pyrex dish under the grill

Pyrex pans are great for making casseroles, but use cast iron if your recipe calls for grilling, even for a short time. Pyrex pans are not designed to withstand the heat of the oven. If they are too hot, they will break and you will have to start the cooking process from scratch and have a big mess to clean up in your oven.

You overmix  batter

When making pastry dough (or anything with a lot of flour), you want everything to be well mixed. In combining, you mix. But mixing too much is not good. The process of mixing causes the gluten to form in the flour, making these baked goods more difficult. So mix gently until the dough comes together, then turn on your mixer.

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